1st Birthday Gifts for Trisomy 18 Warriors

Trisomy 18 - 1st Birthday Gift
Trisomy 18 - 1st Birthday Gift

The ESA wanted to celebrate Edwards Syndrome warriors on their first birthday. This is the age that so many in the medical field say those with an extra 18th chromosome will not see. This makes this birthday so much more special for these kiddos. 

These warriors deserve a cap and a gift for showing the medical world that their statistics are SO OUTDATED. We hope you enjoy this special keepsake gift for this milestone.

To receive a first birthday gift please fill out the form below.

Please Note: Gifts can only be sent in the United States. Form can only be filled out 30 days before turning 1 and 30 days after turning 1. We will not be able to accept submissions outside those time frames.

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