Physical Therapy for Children with Trisomy 18


Importance of Physical Therapy:
Physical Therapy plays a crucial role in rehabilitation, focusing on the development of gross motor skills, restoring movement abilities, reducing pain, and strengthening weakened muscles. It utilizes various techniques, exercises, and equipment to promote healing and recovery.

Why It’s Essential for Trisomy 18:
Children with Trisomy 18 often experience varying degrees of muscle tone that can disrupt normal development and delay reaching important milestones. Physical Therapy is especially important for these children to help them overcome these challenges.

Treatment Plans:
A Physical Therapist can create personalized treatment plans tailored to each child’s unique needs. These plans aim to help children with Trisomy 18 progress towards greater physical independence and an improved quality of life.

Therapeutic Methods:
Targeted Exercises: Designed to improve strength, coordination, and mobility.
Specialized Equipment: Tools that assist in movement and enhance physical capabilities.
– Other Therapeutic Techniques: Methods that reduce pain and promote overall well-being.

Overall Benefits:
Physical Therapy is a vital aspect of care for children with Trisomy 18 and anyone looking to restore their physical abilities. It supports the journey towards greater independence and a better quality of life.


  1. Therapy Bench (Various Sizes) – – Home Therapy supplies
  2. Stander – – Different Standers and Medical Knowledge for benefits of standing
  3. Gait Trainer (Various Types) 
  4. Creepster Crawler – – Creeper to assist with learning crawling
  5. Firefly Products – – Postural Support Products
  6. Upseat – – PT recommemded for sitting with proper alignment
  7.  Orthotic Braces – – Different Types of braces for feet, ankles and legs
  8. Wedges – – Home Therapy Supplies
  9.  Soft Tunnel Climber – – School Environment Supplies
  10.  Vibration Plate – – Knowledge of Vibration Plates with different options
  11.  Tumble Form Jett Mobile – – Special Needs Medical/Therapy Products
  12. Adaptive Bikes-, – Bikes that have been adapted for Special Needs Children